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Full-Time Research Staff Policy and Procedures


1.The University or XJTLU is Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

2. An externally funded research position is a full-time research only contracted position, supported by an external research grant or externally derived sponsorship or donation. The length of the contract of an externally funded research position relates to the total amount of external research funding that can be used to support the research position, as well as the duration of the external research funding. Externally funded research positions may include research assistant, research associate or research fellow, who are research-only staff employed solely to work on the particular research project.

3. A Research assistant is expected to have already obtained a bachelor degree but not necessarily to have independent research experience outside an undergraduate degree program. A Research assistant should be guided when assisting a research project.

A Research associate is expected to have already obtained a Master degree and to have had independent research experience beyond an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program. A Research associate should be able to assist the research project independently.

A Research fellow is expected to have already obtained a Ph.D. degree in the research area.

4. The project owner (PO) is a University faculty member who is the recipient of external funding and who wishes to use these funds to hire fulltime research staff.


5. This principle should be read in conjunction with the Academic Staff Designations.


6. The policy and procedures outlined in the document apply principally to situations where a member of the university’s academic staff is in receipt of external funding and wishes to hire full-time research staff to support a project.


7. In order to encourage the development of research at XJTLU, the university is keen to support academic staff who have been awarded external funding to recruit full-time research staff: research assistant, research associate or research fellow.

8. Externally-funded research position contracts may be established for multiple years. The length of appointment for such a position depends on the amount of available funding. Specifically, the external fund needs to cover the total cost of the position, including salaries, government required insurances, including statutory social insurance and the housing provident fund, for the total length of time determined by the contract, and commercial insurance.

9. Once an externally-funded research position has been established, the total amount needed to cover the position for the required length of the appointment shall be deducted from related research fund in the financial system, and will only be used to pay salaries and related costs of the position.

10. The salary paid to the appointed member of staff in an externally-funded research position is calculated as gross income. As per laws and regulations, the appointed member of staff is required to pay individual income tax, which the university will withhold and pay in accordance with the law. The university and each member of staff shall each pay their due contribution according to the relevant regulations.

11. Contract type should be determined by research position: either as research assistant, research associate or research fellow. Hiring salaries for each of these is different and will be determined by factors including but not limited to education, and work experience, as well as market conditions. University regulations on salary ranges of different roles should be followed.

12. A member of staff in a position funded by an external research fund shall be granted full access to the university’s resources including but not limited to access to IT and Library services, access to a department’s labs and equipment.

13. Employment in one of these positions is considered to be on a non-cumulative basis. Upon expiration of the contract, the labor contract cannot be renewed.

14. When external funding for a specific project ends or is insufficient to continue due to unexpected circumstances, the contracts of all research employees on such projects are terminated and their positions cease to exist.


15. XJTLU entrusts external HR agency to carry out the employment of full-time research staff. The full-time research staff will sign labor contract with the external HR agency.

16. The specific hiring procedure should be:

  • Project owner shall fill in “Full-Time Research Staff Request Form” (appendix 1) and have it approved by Dean of School.
  • Project owner shall fill in the “labor service reimbursement form” in Expense Control System and upload approved Full-Time Research Staff Request Form as attachment.
  • RMO/REIO shall review the “implementation duration” and project budget information before approving “labor service reimbursement form” in ECS.
  • Project owner shall submit approved Full-time Research Staff Appointment Form (appendix 2), labor service reimbursement form and Full-Time Research Staff Request Form to HR (RM1058, Central Building) or email to (Contact number: 81889182).
  • HR agency shall handle appointment and management of full-time research staff.
  • Based on payment summary issued by HR agency, Finance Office shall adjust cost from each research project budget accordingly once after contract expiration.

17. For hiring foreign/Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan applicant as full-time research staff, project owner shall contact HR Recruitment Team in advance, and it will be managed case by case.

(Last Review Date: 24 Nov 2021)


Appendix 1:

Full-Time Research Staff Request Form

Project Owner (PO)






External Research Funding Information

Project Title


Financial No. in ECS


Implementation Duration


Total Funding Amount


Including: Labor cost

Total Amount




Post Information

Job Duty




Number of staff to be Recruited


Employment Duration


Total Cost (RMB)

(The total cost includes salaries, statutory social insurance, housing provident fund and other possible cost. Please consult HR for support before filling in this form.)


Commitment of PO

I, ___     ______, PO for external research funding, confirm that I will use labor service cost following governmental and university expenses management policy. I understand that this employment in this position is considered to be on a non-cumulative basis. Upon expiration of the contract, the labor contract cannot be renewed.


Signature:                                                       Date:                 

Approval by Dean of School

Signature:                                                       Date:                 



Appendix 2:

Full-time Research Staff Appointment Form

 (For external HR agency use)

Project Owner (PO)






Job Post

Research Assistant

Research Associate

Research Fellow

Candidate Information



Full Name*




Place of Birth/Nationality


Contact No.


Email Address


ID Number


Contract Period



Opening Bank Name & Account Number



1. Employment of full-time research staff is considered to be on a non-cumulative basis. Upon expiration of the contract, the labor contract cannot be renewed.

2. When external funding for a specific project ends or is insufficient to continue due to unexpected circumstances, the contracts of all research employees on such projects are terminated and their positions cease to exist.

Terms of payment (Monthly)      


PO Signature:


Dean of School:


* Please make sure that the candidate's name is consistent with the information on his / her ID card.


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