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Non-full-time Research Assistant Administrative Policy (科研助理(非全职)管理办法)



第一章 总 则

Chapter I - General Provisions

第一条 为加强学校科研队伍建设,规范科研助理(非全职)聘用及管理,进一步提升学校科技创新、服务社会的能力,根据教育部《高等学校科研助理管理办法(暂行)》(教技〔2010〕4号)、《国务院办公厅关于抓好赋予科研机构和人员更大自主权有关文件贯彻落实工作的通知》(国办发〔2018〕127 号)、国务院批转《外国留学生管理办法》(国发〔1985〕121号)等有关文件精神,结合我校科研助理管理实际,制订本办法。

Article 1 According to relevant governmental documents, including Research Assistant Administrative Policy in Higher Education Institutions (Interim) (JJ〔2010〕No.4) issued by the Ministry of Education, Notice of Granting Greater Autonomy to Research Institutions and Researchers (GBF〔2018〕No.127) issued by the General Office of the State Council, Foreign Students Administrative Policy (GF〔1985〕No.121) and considering Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University(XJTLU) research assistant (RA) management practice, this administrative policy is developed to strengthen the formation of the university research team, to standardize the employment and management of non-full-time RA, and to further enhance the university scientific and technological innovation ability to serve the society.

第二条 本办法所指科研助理(非全职),是指为学校科研项目(载体)服务、以科研辅助研究为服务内容的一种临时性聘用人员。具体定义,须参照学校《Non-full-time Staff General Policy》。

Article 2 The term "non-full-time RA" mentioned in this policy refer to temporarily hired personnel who work and serve for university research project/unit. Detailed definition of “non-full-time RA” shall refer to university Non-full-time Staff General Policy.

第三条 本办法所指科研助理(非全职)岗位仅向持有有效中国大陆居民身份证件申请人及西交利物浦大学国际留学生开放。学校在选聘科研助理(非全职)时,在同等条件下,对本校学生优先录用。

Article 3 The post of “non-full-time RA” is only open to applicants who hold valid Chinese ID card and international students of XJTLU. Priority will be given to XJTLU students under the same conditions.

第四条 科研助理(非全职)根据“谁聘用、谁管理、谁考核”方式进行管理。科研项目(载体)负责人是科研助理(非全职)管理的第一责任人,负责科研助理(非全职)的日常管理工作,包括业务培训、安全教育、日常考核等。各院系(载体)是科研助理(非全职)管理工作的具体责任单位,对本院系(载体)内部的科研助理(非全职)岗位的管理承担监管责任。学校各职能部门分工合作,各行其责,按照学校相关规定对科研助理(非全职)聘用工作进行管理和监督。

Article 4 Non-full-time RA shall be managed by each project team/research unit. The Principal Investigator(PI) of research project/Director of research unit is responsible for day-to-day management of the non-full-time RA, including organizing professional training, safety education and daily supervision, etc. Each department/school/unit is responsible to monitor and supervise the management of non-full-time RA. Relevant administrative offices of the university shall cooperate with each other to make sure the recruitment and management of non-full-time RA is conducted in accordance with the university's regulations.


第二章 岗位设置与聘用

Chapter II Post and Employment

第五条 各类科研项目团队(包括各级政府项目、横向科研项目、校内科研项目)及科研载体均可招聘科研助理(非全职)。

Article 5 Research projects based research teams and research units are eligible to hire non-full-time RA.

第六条 科研助理(非全职)按项目需求聘用,由科研项目(载体)负责人提出聘用申请,报科研管理办公室/科研生产力和创新办公室审批。

Article 6 Applications for non-full-time RA positions shall be put forward by the PI of research project/director of research unit and shall be approved by Research Management Office (RMO) or the Research Engagement and Innovation Office (REIO).

第七条 项目组(载体)遵循“双向选择、平等自愿、择优聘用”原则对应聘者进行面试考核,确定聘用人选。

Article 7 Research project team/research unit must interview and assess the candidates with the principle of fairness before determining the final candidate.

第八条 聘用西交利物浦大学国际留学生作为科研助理(非全职),须另报西浦国际办公室审批并由其上报出入境部门备案。

Article 8 Hiring XJTLU international students as non-full-time RA must be verified by XJTLU Global. XJTLU Global will verify qualifications of candidates and synchronizes data with government Exit and Entry Administration bureau.

第九条 科研助理(非全职)原则上应具有本科(包括在读)及以上学历。

Article 9 The non-full-time RA in principle must be studying for or hold a bachelor's degree or above.

第十条 科研助理(非全职)的劳务协议聘期应依据项目(载体)工作需要、本人意愿及表现综合考虑,聘期一般不得超过科研项目执行期限。

Article 10 The employment period of non-full-time RA must be determined after a comprehensive consideration of the research needs of the research project/unit, the wishes of the candidates and candidates’ performance. The employment period normally should not exceed the implementation period of the research project/unit.

第十一条 项目组(载体)要严格遵守和执行国家及省市各级政府和学校有关科研项目(载体)管理的各项规定。严禁利用人员聘用费名义套取科研经费。

Article 11 The research project team/research unit must strictly abide by and implement the regulation of the funding body and university research project/unit management policy. It is strictly prohibited to use the labor service cost to claim research funds for other purposes.


第三章 经费来源和劳酬管理

Chapter III Funding Sources and Labor Cost Management

第十二条 科研助理(非全职)在岗期间按月发放劳务报酬,所发生的劳务报酬从科研项目(载体)经费中的“劳务费”或者其他可用于劳务报酬支出的经费科目列支。

Article 12 The non-full-time RA will be paid monthly through “labor service cost" category or other budget category that can be used for labor service cost.

第十三条 科研助理(非全职)按小时计酬,不予缴纳社保及公积金等。支付标准参见附件2。

Article 13 The non-full-time RA will be paid at an hourly rate and is not entitled to other benefits, such as SIP provident fund, or health insurance. See appendix 2 for the hourly pay rate standard.

第十四条 针对科研助理(非全职)聘用特殊情形【1. 因科研项目(载体)实际需要聘用低于本科学历的科研助理(非全职);2. 因科研助理(非全职)实际工作内容支付高于标准的时薪;3. 非科研项目团队及科研载体聘用科研助理(非全职)】,申请人须提供情况说明,并经所属事务中心主任、助理副校长(科研与影响)和分管副校长审批通过后方可聘用。

Article 14 Justification is required for the following circumstances which shall be approved by Center Director, AVP-R&I and Vice President (VP): 1. hiring non-full-time RA that is not currently studying for or holding at least a bachelor's degree; 2. hiring non-full-time RA at a pay rate higher than the standard; 3. hiring non-full-time RA through non-research projects based research team or research unit.

第十五条 在读学生担任科研助理(非全职)应主要安排在课余时间,以不与学习冲突为前提。西交利物浦大学留学生的工作时长须遵循法律及政府规定。社会人员担任科研助理(非全职)工作时长须参照学校《Non-full-time Staff General Policy》执行。

Article 15 Students can participate in research projects/units as non-full-time RAs in their spare time and must ensure that it does not conflict with their studies. Working hours of XJTLU international student shall meet regulations of Laws and governmental policies. Working hours of externals (non-student) shall be in line with the university Non-full-time Staff General Policy.

第十六条 科研助理(非全职)在以下情形下从事相关工作,不予支付劳务报酬:
1. 以获取相应学分或以完成课程要求为目的而从事科研助理(非全职)工作;
2. 西交利物浦大学博士生全额奖学金持有者从事科研助理(非全职)工作(博士生四年级在获得所在院系同意后情形除外)。

Article 16 There shall be no payment for research work under the following circumstances:
1.Undertaking research assistantship for academic credit or for learning component required by the programme;
2.Full doctoral scholarship holders undertaking research assistantship (except for doctoral students in his/her fourth year, with the permission of their department/school).


第四章 人员管理

Chapter IV Personnel Management

第十七条 项目组(载体)负责人对科研助理(非全职)进行日常管理,对于不能胜任或不宜继续担任科研助理(非全职)工作的人员,项目组(载体)应及时进行调整。如因特殊情况需要调整科研助理(非全职)人选,应依照程序重新进行招聘。

Article 17 PI of research project/Director of research unit shall carry out day-to-day management to the non-full-time RAs and must adjust timely when a non-full-time RA is incompetent or unsuitable to continue his/her duties. In this case, a new round of recruitment can be carried out following relevant procedures.

第十八条 科研助理(非全职)参加外出调研活动,项目组(载体)须根据外出时间和内容为其购买保险。

Article 18 Research project team/Research unit s hall purchase health insurance for non-full-time RA for any field trips required by the research projects.

第十九条 项目组(载体)负责人对科研助理(非全职)工作的真实性、合法性和有效性负责。科研助理(非全职)对所承担的工作任务按照劳务协议规定负有保密义务,未经许可不得随意泄露数据资料。

Article 19 Research project team/Research unit must be responsible for the authenticity, legality, and effectiveness of non-full-time RA’s work. Non-full-time RA must be obliged to keep the tasks they undertake confidential and must not disclose data and materials without permission.


第五章 其 他

Chapter V Other

第二十条 其他未尽事宜按照相关法律规定执行。

Article 20 Other matters not covered herein shall be implemented in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

第二十一条 本办法自发布之日起施行,“Guidelines for Hiring Research-Related Staff”同时废止。本办法由科研业务部门和人事处负责解释。

Article 21 This policy shall take effect on the date of publication and replace the “Guidelines for Hiring Research-Related Staff”. RMO/REIO and HR shall be responsible for the interpretation of this policy.



Appendix 1:



第一条 根据《科研助理(非全职)管理办法》相关精神,结合我校实际情况,特制定本实施细则。

Article 1 This implementation procedures are formulated under “Non-Full-Time Research Assistant Administrative Policy” and actual situation of our university.

第二条 西交利物浦大学委托人事代理公司执行科研助理(非全职)聘用事宜,科研助理(非全职)与人事代理公司签订劳务协议。

Article 2 XJTLU entrusts external HR agency to carry out the employment of non-full-time RA. The non-full-time RA will sign labor agreement with the HR agency.

第三条 科研助理(非全职)申请和聘用程序如下:

Article 3 Application and recruitment procedures for non-full-time RA are as follows:


(1) PI of research project/Director of research unit shall fill in the labor service reimbursement form in Expense Control System (ECS) and indicate information of number of RA recruited, degree requirement, employment period, hourly pay rate in “Description”.


(2) RMO/REIO shall review the “implementation duration” and project budget information before approving “labor service reimbursement form” in ECS.


(3) After approval procedure completed in ECS, PI of research project/Director of research unit can start to recruit the non-full-time RA.


(4) Research project team/research unit shall organize an interview panel to comprehensively assess candidates’ performance and select the most suitable candidate.


(5) If the candidate is an XJTLU international student, he/she shall fill the “International Student Non-full-time Employment Application Form” and get approval from XJTLU Global. XJTLU Global will verify qualification and synchronize data with Exit and Entry Administration bureau.

(六)项目(载体)负责人将聘用结果报送至人事代理公司,由人事代理公司通知聘用人员签订劳务协议,办理入职等相关手续。具体协议类型等细节参照学校《Non-full-time Staff General Policy》。

(6) PI of research project/Director of research unit shall inform HR agency of final employment results. HR agency will process labor agreement with non-full-time RA. Details of agreement shall refer to university Non-full-time Staff General Policy.

第四条 科研助理(非全职)的日常管理归属项目(载体)负责人。

Article 4 PI of research project/Director of research unit is responsible for the day-to-day management of non-full-time RA.

第五条 科研助理(非全职)在岗期间劳务报酬按月进行发放。人事代理公司根据科研助理(非全职)当月实际工作时间确定当月劳务报酬,于下一个月发放至科研助理(非全职)。

Article 5 HR agency shall collect attendance with department/school coordinator by the end of the month and pay to non-full-time RA in the following month.

第六条 财务处每月月底前根据人事处出具的上月科研助理(非全职)劳务报酬发放清单,从各科研项目(载体)经费中进行相应调整。

Article 6 Based on payment summary issued by HR agency, Finance Office shall adjust cost from each research project/unit budget accordingly before the end of each month.

第七条 聘用期间,若存在提前解除用工关系的情形,由科研助理(非全职)与项目组(载体)协商一致后,项目(载体)负责人提前至少30日书面通知人事代理公司。

Article 7 When the research assistantship terminates early, the PI of the research project/Director of research unit must notify HR agency in writing at least 30 days in advance. Notice must be agreed by the two parties.

第八条 人事代理公司负责办理离职手续。

Article 8 HR agency shall handle the resignation procedures.

RMO is in charge of Governmental Research Project and Internal Research Project, and REIO is in charge of Collaborative Research Project.


Appendix 2:


Pay rate for non-full-time RA


Post Title




Pay Rate (RMB/hour)


Non-Full-Time RA


Undergraduate Student

Refer to the minimum pay rate standard of Suzhou for the non-full-time worker


Master Student


(before tax)


Doctoral Student


(before tax)


Externals (non-student)


(after tax)






Non-full-time RA will be paid at an hourly rate and is not entitled to other benefits, such as SIP provident fund, or health insurance. Justification is required when the proposed pay rate is higher than the normal standard, which shall be approved by the Center Director, AVP-R&I and VP.


[1] 科研项目组(载体)负责人使用外部来源资金招聘博士生(在读)作为科研助理(非全职)时,时薪可酌情提高,不超过150元无需特别审批。

PI of externally-funded research project/unit may increase the pay rate of doctoral student up to 150(RMB/hour) without special approval.

[2] c科研项目组(载体)负责人使用外部来源资金招聘社会人员作为科研助理(非全职)时,时薪可酌情提高,不超过150元无需特别审批。

PI of externally-funded research project/unit may increase the pay rate of externals (non-student) up to 150 (RMB/hour) without special approval.

(Last Review Date: 10 Apr 2024)

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