Code of Conduct for Online Education
XJTLU has strong commitments in making every effort to support students to achieve their educational goals and academic success and has a particular duty of care on the quality of academic provisions offered online. The Code of Conduct for Online Education is developed to provide XJTLU staff and students with notice of conduct related to online education to ensure the virtual learning and teaching environment is free from any disruption or interference. This Code sets the standard of conduct expected from all staff and students as members of XJTLU community with a common shared goal of excellence in learning and teaching.
1. Purpose and Scope
1.1 The purpose of this Code is to ensure staff and students understand their digital and ethical obligations with an emphasis on the critical awareness to be disciplined and respectful members of the XJTLU community.
1.2 This Code should not be viewed as a means to introduce restrictions on online learning and teaching activities or to impose sanctions. It serves the purpose of encouraging enhancement of individual conduct.
1.3 This Code applies to any online activities undertaken by all staff and students at XJTLU irrespective whether they are on-campus or off-campus.
2. Principles
2.1 The nature of online learning and teaching activities as well as the conduct of staff and students at XJTLU are underpinned by the following principles:
- Commitment to quality assurance in academic excellence.
- Acknowledgment of the need to act with integrity in the digital environment.
- Promotion of respect in and support to learning and teaching for all members of the XJTLU community.
3. Acceptable and Prohibited Conduct
3.1 The types of acceptable and prohibited conduct set out in this Code are explicitly related to online education and they are not exhaustive. Other regulations, policies and procedures, frameworks (or similar documents) published by the University may specify other behavioural measures.
3.1.1 Students must:
- Familiarise themselves with the institutional online technologies available to support their learning.
- Not engage in any act that will bring the University into disrepute, for example by sharing or posting unjustified or misleading statements on any online platforms.
- Not voice grievances related to online learning and teaching activities through social media, blogs, websites or any public (virtual) spaces.
- Not publicise personal details of staff and students obtained from online education through any media.
- Be respectful to staff and students with courtesy and must not participate in harassing any other member of the XJTLU community.
- Behave responsibly and not distribute or publish openly any materials related to learning and teaching activities online beyond the XJTLU-provided platforms.
- Not write or circulate named or anonymous emails or messages of a similar nature with unjustified, unreasonable or malicious intent.
- Communicate with staff and students in English all the time during the course of studies.
- Be punctual and attend all designated online lessons as required.
3.1.2 Staff must:
- Equip themselves with the skills and competencies in utilising online teaching tools adopted for any learning and teaching activities.
- Ensure the contact hours of a module are in line with the approved module specifications. Students’ private study time is not included in the calculation of contact hours.
- Upload all learning and teaching materials (e.g. teaching schedule and outline, lecture notes, handouts, coursework briefs, etc.) to the specific Learning Mall page before any lecturing/tutorial sessions and ensure students are clearly informed.
- Not communicate with students using language other than English for any formal online offerings.
- Ensure the functionality of all online teaching tools (with support from MITS and EDU) prior to the delivery of online learning and teaching activities in order to avoid unnecessary disruption.
- Serve as role models to students showing the highest possible degree of professionalism and performance in relation to their roles (including mannerisms, discipline, decency in speech and correct use of language).
- Present themselves in an appropriate manner to establish the dignity of the profession.
- Ensure appropriate use of PowerPoint presentations (or similar tools). Use as a teleprompter is not advisable as it might give the impression of lack of commitment.
- Be prepared and punctual for all designated learning and teaching activities.
4. Consequences
4.1 Disciplinary action against staff and students in breach of this Code should be undertaken in accordance with XJTLU’s standard regulations including the Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline, and those contained in the Staff Handbook and beyond. Any such misconduct encountered by staff and students must be reported to the Associate Vice President of Education, or the Director of the Centre for Academic Affairs. Penalties will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
5. Related Policies and Procedures
5.1 This Code primarily relates to the following University policies and procedures:
- Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline
- Staff Handbook (Staff Attendance and Absence Policy in particular)
- Staff Attendance and Absence Policy
(Last review date: 18-Aug-23)