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Student Charter (西交利物浦大学学生守则)

The University is a community of individuals, both staff and students, with rights and responsibilities that help determine the ability of the University to maintain and enhance its fundamental role of teaching, learning and research.


This Student Charter has been created by the University to encourage the commitment of all staff and students to the principle of partnership and to make clearer the basis on which that partnership rests. Such individual commitment will foster a lively and constructive interaction and enhance the whole life of the University.


At all times ... 在任何时候......

The University will


• be prompt, efficient, effective and courteous in its dealings with you
• 及时、有效、真诚地帮助学生;

• provide equality of treatment for all regardless of age, class, creed, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation
• 不论年龄、阶级、信仰、种族、国籍、性别、婚姻状况以及性取向,对所有人平等对待。

• apply the same academic criteria to people with disabilities as to all other applicants and students, and will aim to equalise their opportunities by working towards a supportive and accessible environment
• 对于残疾人士,采用与所有其他学生相同的教学标准;并致力于营造支持的、无障碍的环境,使学生都享有同等机会。

• seek to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning, and free from harassment and discrimination
• 致力于营造有利于学生学习的氛围,使学生远离干扰和歧视。

• treat you as a partner in a life-long process of self-development and enable you to continue your association with the University after you leave
• 把学生作为终生发展的伙伴,在学生毕业之后,使学生保持与大学的联系。

• take all reasonable steps to provide a safe, secure and healthy environment and one in which energy and other resources are conserved
• 采取一切合理措施,为学生提供一个安全、可靠、健康、节能、环保的环境。

• safeguard all the personal information you provide and comply with the requirements of the relevant government regulations
• 为学生提供的所有个人信息保密,遵守国家的相关规定。

As a student you should

• be prompt, efficient, effective and courteous in your dealings with the University, its staff and your fellow students
• 迅速、高效、有效地对待大学相关事务、诚恳对待教职员工和其他学生

• help to create and maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and an environment which encourages equality of treatment
• 积极创造与维护良好的学习环境和氛围,鼓励平等对待

• inform the University at the earliest opportunity of any disability you have which may affect your opportunities as a student
• 及时通知校方可能影响到学习的任何残疾

• use to the full your opportunities for self-development
• 充分利用个人发展的机遇

• use the facilities and resources of the University, whether in departments or centrally, with respect and consideration for all other users
• 使用大学及院系各种设施和资源,并尊重其他使用者

• take personal responsibility for promoting a safe, secure and healthy environment and the conservation of scarce resources
• 每个学生都应对维护大学安全、可靠、健康的环境负责,并注意保护珍稀资源

• comply with the terms of all University regulations
• 遵守学校规章制度

• ensure that it has up-to-date home and local addresses for you
• 确保教务办公室保存有学生最新的家庭地址和本地住址

• consider retaining your association with the University after you leave
• 注意离校后保持与学校的联系

When you begin your programme of study and at key points during it ...

The University will

• give you clear and timely information in written form about
• 及时、明确地以书面形式告知学生:

  • the broader aims and objectives of any degree or diploma or certificate programme for which you are registered, the choices of modules and units available, the means by which the programme will be assessed overall and the criteria which will be used
  • the aims and objectives of each individual module or similar unit of study and what you should be able to achieve by the end of it
  • the methods by which the module or unit will be assessed and the criteria which will be used
  • the teaching and learning methods which will be used and the means by which more general skills (such as working in teams and making oral presentations) will be developed and assessed
  • the computing, library and other academic services which exist and the levels of service they will provide

• give you clear and timely information in written form about
• 及时、明确地以书面形式告知学生:

  • any professional recognition which is available on successful completion of a particular programme of study o 在学生顺利完成某一专业学习后将获得的专业认可。

• identify the staff who are responsible for individual modules or units and for programmes of study overall or who undertake other duties of relevance to you and explain how they can be contacted
• 向学生提供负责某一专业、课程、学习模块以及其他方面的教师名单,以及他们的联系方式。

• explain the means by which your views on individual modules or units, on programmes of study overall and on other aspects of your experience will be sought - both individually and corporately through representatives on committees - and how information on the responses to those views will be fed back to you
• 向学生说明,如果对某一课程、所学专业、以及学习的其他方面有意见和建议,如何通过各委员会的学生代表向学校反应, 以及学校将如何把反馈意见传达给学生。

• describe how you will be provided with systematic information on your individual progress, on your areas of strength and weakness, and on the means by which you can improve your performance
• 说明学校将向学生提供有关学习进展的系统信息,包括学生的优势和弱势,以及提高学习成绩的方法。

As a student you should

• ensure that you read and retain the information provided, regularly check relevant notice boards and seek clarification of anything you do not understand
• 确保阅读及保留学校所提供的信息,定期检查相关的布告栏,如果有疑问及时沟通了解。

• attend all lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes and other teaching sessions, unless they are explicitly stated to be optional
• 参加授课、研讨会、辅导课、实验课以及其他教学活动,资源参加的除外,学生需参加所有的教学活动。

• complete promptly the academic work requested of you, particularly that which contributes to your formal assessment, and attend all examinations
• 按时完成各科作业,尤其是那些计入正式考核成绩的作业,参加所有考试。

• be willing to experiment with different ways of teaching, learning and assessment and take joint responsibility with the University for developing your abilities as an independent learner
• 愿意尝试不同的教学、学习及评估方法,与大学共同努力,培养独立学习的能力。 • • • participate fully and constructively in the opportunities provided for you to give your views on the modules or units you undertake, on your programme of study overall and on your educational experience more generally so that provision may be improved for you and your successors
• 积极地、有建设性地发表对所学课程、学习模块、所学专业以及学习体验的建议,学生的建议将有助学校不断完善。

• ensure that any paid employment that you undertake during term-time amounts to no more than 10 hours per week so that your studies are not affected
• 为确保不影响学业,学生在学期内打工时间每周不能超过 10 小时。

To support you during your period as a student ...

The University will

• provide a range of personal support services itself, or in conjunction with other universities and collaborating organisations (e.g. Suzhou Industrial Park Education Investment Company (SIPEDI)), including services in the following areas:
• 提供一系列针对学生个人的服务,或与其他院校、合作组织(苏州工业园区教育发展投资有限公司)共同提供以下服务: 

  • Academic advising
  • Careers
  • Health
  • welfare and sources of personal financial advice
  • Counselling
  • Accommodation o 住宿
  • Recreational facilities o 娱乐设施
  • Social and cultural events o 社会文化活动

• provide information about how to access more specialist services which may be provided in the local community or by national bodies
• 提供有关如何使用本地社区、国家机构所提供的更专业的服务的信息。

As a student you should

• take responsibility for seeking the support you believe you need
• 寻求所需要的支持

• take seriously advice that you would benefit from seeking particular kinds of support
• 认真考虑学生能从寻求各种帮助中获益的建议

To involve you in the decisions affecting you ... 为了让学生参与其相关的决定......

The University will

• provide representation for students at programme level
• 在每个专业中选出一位学生代表

• provide feedback on the outcomes of representation made by students
• 向学生反馈学生代表的选举结果。

• provide advice and training for those who act as student representatives
• 对学生代表进行指导培训。

As a student you should

• provide information and opinion to the students who represent you and give them your encouragement and support
• 向学生代表提供信息,表明观点,给予他们鼓励和支持。

• consider whether you yourself should stand for election as a student representative
• 考虑自己是否参加学生代表的选举。

• present the views of your colleagues fairly and constructively if you act as a student representative
• 作为学生代表,应该公正地、有建设性地陈述其他学生的观点。

If things go wrong ...

The University will

• promote effective means of resolving the majority of difficulties at the level of the academic or service department where the problem occurred and provide a clear and equitable procedure for formal complaints when such problems remain unresolved
• 使用有效的方法解决学生在学习、生活上的遇到的困难,如果困难没能得到解决,为学生提供明确、平等的申诉渠道。

• provide advice about the implications of requesting permission to change programme, suspend your studies or withdraw from the University
• 针对学生提出更换专业、修学或退学的要求提出建议。

• explain how decisions are made about students whose academic progress is unsatisfactory and the part the student plays in those procedures
• 如果学生的学习进展不合格,向学生说明学校将如何处理,以及学生在这些处理程序中的作用。

• operate a clear and equitable academic appeals procedure for students
• 执行明确、公正的学术申诉程序。

• operate a clear and equitable student disciplinary procedure 执行明确、公正的学生纪律程序。

As a student you should

• normally begin to deal with any complaint you may have by talking to the individual or individuals concerned and then, if necessary, to the person in charge of the area involved
• 正常情况下,如果学生有任何意见,应该先与相关人员沟通,如果有必要,再向相关部门的负责人反映。

• seek advice immediately when your academic progress gives you, or the staff who teach you give you, cause for concern or if you think you may wish to change your programme, suspend your studies or leave the University
• 当对学习进展或任课教师有所担忧时,或向更换专业、休学或退学时,及时向有关部门寻求建议。

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