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Policy on Awarding of Academic Scholarships and Prizes (Effective from AY2425)

A Introduction

1. The purposes of this policy statement are:

(i) To outline the XJTLU scholarships offered by the Centre for Academic Affairs based on the students’ academic achievements.
(ii) To ensure a fair and transparent procedure will be used during the course of considering how scholarships should be awarded.
(iii) To promote a culture in which students’ efforts in enhancing their academic performance is valued and awarded.

2 Brief summary of undergraduate scholarships and prizes available:

(i) Entry Scholarships for international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan undergraduate students: Entry scholarship of up to 50 percent of the tuition fee per academic year based on academic merit. A more detailed description can be found in Appendix 1.

(ii) Entry Scholarships for China Mainland Gaokao students: Entry scholarship of 25 to 100 percent of the tuition fee per academic year to those students recruited with outstanding achievement in Gaokao. A more detailed description can be found in Appendix 2.

(iii) Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship: Available to UG entry scholarship holders.

Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship are awarded annually to UG Entry scholarships holders subject to continued strong academic performance measured through being within the top 25% of students on the same academic programme on the first sit of each level. Once lost, the entry scholarship cannot be regained. Students who are awarded the Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship are not eligible for any other scholarship award. In all cases, students must also have achieved 60% on the overall average mark.

(iv) Progression Scholarship: University Academic Excellence Award of 10,000RMB and University Academic Achievement Award of 5,000RMB based on their academic performance on the first sit of each level at XJTLU.

Students in the top 5% of the programme cohort receive a University Academic Excellent Award of 10,000RMB. Students in the top 5.1% to 10% of the programme cohort receive a University Academic Achievement Award of 5,000RMB. In all cases, students must also have achieved 65% on the overall average mark.

Where a programme has less than 10 students in a year, the decision to award either a University Academic Excellent Award or the University Academic Achievement Award will be made through an administrative approval procedure with the VP-AA making the final decision, based on the students’ performance.

(v) Final Year Prizes: are awarded to final year students.

Best Overall Academic Performance: This prize is awarded to the Top student in each programme based on a 30:70 weighting between Year 3 and 4 modules.

Best Performance in Final Year Project: This prize is awarded to the students who achieve the highest final mark with their Final Year Project in each programme.

(vi) Other university-approved departmental scholarships and prizes which are considered and approved on a case by case basis by the University.

B Procedure

B.1 How decisions are reached

3 Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship and Progression Scholarships are awarded based on students’ performance in the previous academic year. The calculation and sorting of scholarship results will be conducted by the Registry Office in accordance with the relevant clauses. The results will then be reported to the Senior Management Team for their reference. Students do not need to apply for these scholarships.

4 Only the overall average of the whole academic year will be used in deciding on the award of a scholarship. Personal, family, financial circumstances and students’ involvement with extracurricular activities will not be considered and no supporting documentation will be allowed.

B.2 When decisions are made

5 A decision will be reached as soon after the release of examination marks as is practical. This would normally be before the start of the next academic session.

6 Students eligible to hold scholarships will be informed as soon as possible thereafter and in any case by the start of the first semester.

B.3 Period of tenure of scholarships

7 Entry Scholarships are held subject to satisfactory performance in each year of study. The criteria for satisfactory performance is as described in the published recruitment materials for the cohort the scholarship holders were recruited.

8 Progression Scholarship is awarded on yearly basis. Progression Scholarships cannot be carried forward to the next academic year.

B.4 Eligibility to hold scholarship

9 A recipient of an Entry Scholarship will not be eligible for any other scholarships awarded by the Centre for Academic Affairs.

10 If the recipient of an Entry Scholarship did not meet the criteria for satisfactory performance, and hence lost the Entry Scholarship in the following year, they won’t be considered for the Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship in any subsequent year. However, they are eligible for the Progression Scholarships if their academic performance meets the criteria for the award of a Progression Scholarship.

Scholarships will only be awarded to students whose studies are undertaken at XJTLU and have paid fees to XJTLU for the next academic year. Students who choose to undertake their studies in another institution as part of a recognized and approved exchange agreement will still be able to receive eligible for a Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship or be awarded a Progression Scholarship. Students whose studies are under a suspension or gap-year status will have their eligibility for scholarships deferred to the academic year when their studies are resumed.

11 Students who opt to study on the 2+2 route by transferring to the University of Liverpool will not be able to receive the Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship or be awarded a Progression Scholarship.

12 Students who enter directly into the second, or third year of any programme, are eligible to be considered for a Progression Scholarship.

13 Incoming exchange students will not normally be considered for any of XJTLU scholarships.

B.5 Payment of scholarships

14 Scholarships will be offset against fees by Registry at the beginning of the academic year.

15 If a student has been paid a scholarship and subsequently withdraws from the University, then repayment of the scholarships may be required.

16 If a student has their registration suspended, then payment of scholarships will be suspended accordingly.


Please download the PDF version below to check the appendices:

Appendix 1 - International UG Entry Scholarship Protocol

Appendix 2 - Policy on Awarding Undergraduate Entry Scholarship for Mainland Gaokao Students in 2024


(Last approval date: 19 June 2024)

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