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Guidelines on Retrieval Certificate Service





1. 西交利物浦大学(以下简称“西浦”)知识产权信息服务中心依据《教育部科技查新工作站查新报告撰写规范》和《GB/T 32003-2015科技查新技术规范》的规定,有偿向用户提供检索证明服务。

In aligned with the regulations of “Ministry of Education Guidelines on Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Report Writing” and “GB/T 32003-2015 Specification of Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval”, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Intellectual Property Information Service Centre (the Centre) provides fee-based retrieval certificate service.

2. 为了促进检索证明服务的规范化管理,明确服务流程和费用豁免原则,特制定本指南。

The Guidelines are developed to clarify the procedures and fee waiver principles of retrieval certificate service.

3. 本指南适用于西浦各学院、研究院、行政部门以及其他社会企业与机构。

The Guidelines apply to all schools, research institutes, professional service departments in XJTLU community and external enterprises/institutions.



4. 委托人是指提出检索证明服务申请的校内或校外用户。

Applicants refer to XJTLU internal and external users who apply for the retrieval certificate service.

5. 检索证明是指依据委托人提供的文献信息或科学技术内容,经过文献检索与对比分析后作出结论,出具检索证明或报告。本指南中的检索证明特指查收查引报告和科技查新报告。

Retrieval Certificate refers to a type of documents that describes the conclusion made through literature retrieval and analysis regarding the publications or techniques provided by applicants. The Retrieval Certificate in this guide refers specifically to Citation Index Report and Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Report.

6. 查收查引报告是指依据委托人提供的文献信息,查询文献被Web of Science、EI、Scopus等数据库收录或引用的情况,以及JCR期刊影响因子和期刊分区、ESI高被引论文等,根据检索结果出具的证明。

Citation Index Report is a retrieval certificate that describes the search result of applicant’s publications regarding indexes and citations in Web of Science, EI, Scopus, etc., JCR journal impact factors and journal quartiles, ESI highly cited papers.

7. 科技查新报告是指根据委托人提供的科学技术内容(查新项目),经过文献检索与对比分析,对查新项目的新颖性做出结论的报告。

Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Report is a retrieval certificate that describes the novelty of applicant’s technical project through literature search and comparative analysis.



8. 委托人应据实、完整、准确地填写《查收查引服务申请单》或《科技查新服务申请单》。申请科技查新的,如有相关技术资料,如研究报告、总结报告、已发表的论文、参考文献等,可以作为附件提交。

Applicant shall fill the Citation Index Report Request Form or Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Request Form with all facts accurately. For sci-tech novelty retrieval request, applicant can provide supplemental materials such as technical reports, summary reports, scholarly publications and references, etc.

9. 委托人提交服务申请单后,中心将在两个工作日内确认是否接受委托,明确服务费用以及报告交付时间。

Applicant shall submit service request form and the Centre will confirm whether to accept the request within two working days. By acceptance, applicant will be notified with the completion date and service fee.

10. 查收查引或查新项目一经受理,委托人须交纳全额检索费用,且不得更改服务内容。若中途取消委托,已付款项不予退还。

Applicant shall pay the full amount of the service fees and not alter the retrieval requirements after the request is accepted. In case the applicant withdraws the request, the payment will not be refunded.

11. 根据《GB/T 32003-2015科技查新技术规范》相关规定,查新机构负有一定的保密义务。对涉及军事、国防、政府决策等有特殊保密要求的项目,委托人需要在委托时加以特别说明。

According to “GB/T 32003-2015 Specification of Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval”, sci-tech novelty retrieval institutions shall perform confidentiality obligations for all requests. Applicant shall notify the Centre the special confidentiality requirements for projects referable to military, national defence, government decision-making, etc.

12. 若委托人对查新结论或过程持有异议,在报告出具后一周内提交《科技查新复审申请单》,并由中心组织专家复审。复审结果与委托人意见一致,复审费用由中心承担,由中心更改查新结论并收回原报告;否则由委托人承担。

If any dispute, applicant can initiate review process by submitting “Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Review Request Form”. The Centre shall proceed with expert consultation. When expert review agrees with the original report, the applicant shall bear the review fee. Otherwise, the Centre shall bear the cost, modify the conclusion and withdraw the original report.

13. 查收查引和科技查新均为有偿服务项目,论文检索结果或查新结论的新颖与否与费用无关。具体收费标准参照《检索证明服务收费标准》执行。

The charge of service fees for Citation Index Report or Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Report is independent of the report conclusion. The charge rules are explicated in “Fee Standard for Retrieval Certificate Service”.

14. 西交利物浦大学全职教职员工及全日制在校学生可申请检索证明服务费用豁免。委托人依外部科研基金资助或评奖机构的要求提供检索证明报告的,经科研管理部门审核确认,中心在受理委托后不收取服务费用。

XJTLU full-time staff or students are eligible for fee waiver when they are required by third-party bodies to provide retrieval certificates as supporting materials for the application of external research fund or awards. To apply for fee waiver, applicant shall provide approved intention from XJTLU Research Administration System as evidence.


附件APPENDIX (you may download the attachments below)

1) 检索证明服务流程 Workflow for Retrieval Certificate Service

2) 查收查引服务申请单 Citation Index Report Request Form

3) 科技查新服务申请单 Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Request Form

4) 科技查新复审申请单 Sci-Tech Novelty Retrieval Review Request Form

5) 检索证明服务收费标准 Fee Standard for Retrieval Certificate Service


(Last review date: 15 Mar 2023)


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